Friday, October 23, 2009

A Furious/Wedge text conversation...

As long as we're releasing transcripts of text conversations, here's one that Wedge and I had just today! Enjoy...


Furious: u love me

Wedge: um, ok. can you set-up our fantasy basketball league? the season starts next week.

Furious: Im gonna have all of u soon

Wedge: yeah right. i'm winning it all this year.

Wedge: are you setting it up?

Furious: hi baby

Wedge: huh? where are you?

Furious: home

Wedge: are you setting up the league?

Furious: Im at the store tryin to fix it

Wedge: you're setting up the league at a store? can't you do it at home??

Furious: yes but I have people comin to look at the furniture 2day

Furious: Baby I might have a break down im so stressed

Wedge: are you talking to me?

Furious: baby I need to pay the cell phone bills n the hospital.can u transfer 2000 to my acc

Furious: baby I might need to go to the whats wrong w me i can hardly breath

Wedge: i don't know what the hell is wrong with you, but i'm not giving you $2,000!

Furious: just got home

Wedge: good. can you set up the basketball league now?

Furious: im tryin I just want this pain in my chest to go away

Wedge: dude, just go to yahoo and set it up.

Furious: im gonna try to sleep. If it dnt go away im goin to the hospital.

Wedge: uh, ok.

Furious: baby I wanna pay some of my bills b4 I go to wrk. All this bills n everythin else is stressin me out

Furious: baby what are u doing

Wedge: waiting for you to stop calling me baby and start setting up our damn fantasy basketball league.

Furious: do u have my acc number

Wedge: you just need your yahoo password.

Furious: Baby I have to be w u 2nite. I dnt care where

Furious: Tell me u gonna be w me

Furious: baby where u gonna be at when I get off

Wedge: um, we live like 10 hours apart. when do you think i should draft dirk?

Furious: round 11

Wedge: there's no way i'm waiting until round 11!

Furious: where u gonna be at baby

Wedge: on my computer, pre-ranking for our draft as soon as you set this thing up!

Furious: k ill call when I get off

Furious: do u wanna get out n drink

Wedge: dude, can you just set the league up?

Furious: k im going to the condo in a min

Wedge: good. i'll let everyone know we'll draft this weekend.

Furious: they asleep babe

Wedge: it's like noon. i'm pretty sure everyone's at work.

Furious: k

Furious: u want me to open the gate

Wedge: i don't even know what that means.

Furious: its open

Furious: im going to the store

Wedge: dude, i'm just gonna set the league up myself.

A Response to Rece Davis & Every Other Idiot Who Thinks the NCAA Football Regular Season is a Playoff

It never fails, here we are once again looking at College Football's season as a real tossup as to who the best teams are out there; Texas, Alabama and Florida the current top 3 don't look strong at all; Cincinatti, TCU, Boise State, Alabama/Florida and Texas can all finish undefeated, yet we'd only give 2 of them a shot at being called National Champion. Why? and Why do we allow that decision to be made by politics and opinions; why are the BCS schools so greedy and money hungry that they won't allow non-BCS schools a chance?

Well according to ESPN's Rece Davis, we should stop complaining because a true bracketed playoff will not solve anything and the current NCAA season IS a playoff, you know because you can't lose or you are out... just don't tell that to undefeated Auburn, Utah, Boise State who never got a shot to claim the title in the past 5 years and 3 loss Oklahoma and "it doesn;t matter how many times we lose" USC of the present who are still getting poll votes.

As for Rece and every other moron who wants to call the NCAA regular season a playoff, or tell us that a playoff will solve nothing because we'd still have people feeling left out... just shut up because you ARE AN IDIOT!

No one really gripes (long term) about being left out of March Madness as you pretend to believe, because none of those teams are long term contenders, they're fighting for the shot to lose to the #1 seed which is why their griping is so short-lived.

Please get over this crap about how NCAA football's regular season is a playoff because its nothing remotely close... Seriously what other playoff system do you know of that eliminates over half its contestants before they even start playing because they chose to attend the wrong school?

And Cincinnati wouldn't be left out, as Rece proclaims, of a proper well thought out playoff, instead of planning incorrectly like done in this article to make a empty point. Here's an easy way to start:

-16 teams
-4 weeks (shorter in length than the current bowl season)
-all 11 conference get an auto-bid for their winner
-the final 5 spots are at-larges (and can be decided by BCS votes and computers)
-15 sold out games given to current bowl sites instead of 1/8th full stadiums for the Boudreaux's Butt Paste Bowl
-teams who don't make the playoff can still play the many meaningless bowl games just as they do now (and just as they do now in lower division that have playoffs)

MOST IMPORTANTLY no one is discriminated against!

Big conferences keep their shot to get multiple strong teams in without the expense of discriminating against non-AQ's who largely don't control their own schedule; and most importantly ALL 120 Division I teams start the season with a shot and control their own destiny just by winning, not by politics, opinions and voting.

There is no more discussion, anyone who thinks the BCS system is ok or thinks we have any kind of playoff is a moron... or is receiving the large sums of money from this current idiotic setup.

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Cole Hamels makes the right decision

So, before his team's playoff game, Cole Hamels told his team, the Philadelphia Phillies, that his wife was likely going into labor that day. He told them that he would leave as soon as he got the call, no matter what inning it was or how he was pitching at the time.

And what do you know... a lot of fans are whining.

First of all, if you are 100% sure that you would've chosen the baseball game over the hospital, then I'm positive at least one of the following statements is true about you:

1. You do not have kids.
2. You do not like kids (including your own, if you have any).
3. You are taking sports too seriously.

See, Hamels is smart enough to realize what many of you do not: it was just a game. In the overall picture, it wasn't even a very important game, especially for Hamels. Hamels could've pitched a no-hitter in that game, and it still wouldn't guarantee his team would move on to the next round, let alone win any type of championship.

Also, this is only his job. I know he makes crazy amounts of money, but it's only his job. You might hate your job and think that a player like Hamels is so fortunate and should love every moment that he gets to stand on that pile of dirt, but you're getting a little too "Field of Dreams" there. This is his job. Like all of us, he has things that he loves about it and things that he hates about it and likely sees it more as a job than as a game. And seriously, if you wouldn't take a day off from your JOB to witness the birth of your child, then you have bigger issues than what I pointed out in my list up there.

I am a huge baseball fan. But I can't remember right this second who won all the first-round series the past few years. Who cares about wild card rounds? And if you couldn't get past the first round without Hamels, how much confidence do you have in your team? In sports, everyone is (or should be) replaceable. We're not talking about replacing Cy Young here. It was Cole Hamels.

Oh and don't forget... he did actually pitch. And lost. So there you go.