Thursday, July 23, 2009

The Best Sponsorship Ever! (a caption contest to end them all)

I've spent the last 20 minutes with my jaw on the floor, simply dumbfounded as to what exactly I should say... just too many good jokes, can't single out only one for what can only be described as the best sponsorship ever. We've had some ballsy stuff with Viagra and more being thrown around in the past, but they all pale into comparison to Dario Franchitti's special paint scheme for the Edmonton Indy Grand Prix.

I think all our fellow readers, followers and even Brewers fans can appreciate what HAS TO BE the bravest sponsorship ever taken in motorsports: Vaseline MEN-LOTION
Its just too perfect. There are just too many great lines that can be said, I'm almost at a loss to collect them in my head. I simply cannot wait to hear the commentary, pre & post-race comments for this weekend. SO much that I don't want to wait, coverage is just too far away.

So I'm put this up to a contest for all you people out there!

Comment, give us your best lines, from commentary to lines Dario himself can use, talking about the Vaseline- MEN LOTION car.

I haven't thought up a prize just yet, but the best line will win something cool. So bring your best; the more innuendo the better.


Andy said...

"The Vaseline guys worked really hard and I pleased to stick it on the pole for them. The start didn't go so well because we slipped off, but I was able to push back through from the rear and come first. I had a really great weekend in the Vaseline car."

Anonymous said...

when Chip said to rub your heads and think of a way to get her to come sooner, I don't think this what he had in mind fellas.