Tuesday, June 9, 2009

No More Split Personalities

For all you great people out there who follow our silliness, adventures, opinions and more via Twitter; you've witnessed a failed attempt at a bright idea.

"Let's just use the same account" - I said.
"How will that even work?" - Ron queried.
"We'll just put our names in front of our tweets" I proclaimed.
"Ok" Ron nodded.

Only we're very bad at following that plan. So to help all you great followers out there; Ron now has his own separate twitter account, appropriately named: FuriousRon. And I'll be sticking to FuriousWedge.

(now if only we could get our rare once in a blue moon poster Deuce to follow up with a FuriousDeuce, we'd have the trifecta)


So it is written. So it shall come to pass."

Deuce has joined The Furious Wedge Twitter brigade: @FuriousDeuce


Mike said...

Yes, I'm for it. I need a FuriousDeuce so I can get all the latest info about dudes punching each other really hard!

Furious Deuce said...

So it is written. So it shall come to pass.

FuriousDeuce has joined The Furious Wedge Twitter brigade.