Saturday, February 23, 2013

Happy 1,000 Posts!

For a bunch of stat/numbers geeks, I think post number 1,000 is a pretty big deal. I figured I'd take a minute to look back and share our history with any readers who might have joined us recently.

In November 2007 Wedge started his sports blog and invited me and others to join him. I had just moved to Nashville and was trying to get used to a new job and a new city, while also trying to get together a new band. Within a few months, I finally made it over here and started posting.

Although a couple of other friends did post occasionally, it was clear that we would be the main two and settled on the Furious Wedge name to represent internet personalities we had used in the past. At first this was  a place for Wedge to post about racing and the other sports he watched. By 2009, though, I started picking things up. For the first time since college, I was writing as much as I was playing music. Looking back now, over the life of this blog, I have changed from a musician who liked to blog into a writer/blogger/podcaster who likes music.

Of course, the addition of Andy later inspired a name change to Grab Bag Sports. And here we are.

One thousand posts. Sure, most of those are Blogathon related. But still, 1,000 of anything is a lot. And yeah, Wedge has carried this site over the years, but I really like what has become of GBS and am excited about the future.

If you listened to our latest podcast, you'll know that we will soon have six kids between the three of us. Obviously there is not a lot of time for "hanging out" with friends sometimes. But through podcasting and blogging over the last few years, I've managed to meet some great friends.

I'd personally like to thank Andy and Wedge for giving me a place to write about sports, even if I'm just being stupid most of the time. If you have read any of our first 1,000 posts, thanks! I'm looking forward to the next 1,000, and I'm thinking it won't take six years this time.

1 comment:

The Speedgeek said...

It's been a great time for the 3 years that I've been involved. Here's the the next 1,000 posts, fellas.