Sunday, January 30, 2011

My 30 For 30 wish list: Madden's NFL Video Games

Think about the impact this game has had on our society.  This has been one of those constants within any junior high school, high school, or college over the past 10-12 years, in addition to the adults who play as well.  I can remember friends entering tournaments at game stores years ago.  In college, around 1999, I even hosted a tournament in my dorm.

This game is a part of our culture and has been for most of the 30 years covered in this ESPN series.  I would love a history of the game, which you can read about in this USA Today article from a few years ago.

They could also explore the popular "Madden Curse."  I'd like to see interviews with players and see how they react to such superstitions.

This could be lots of fun.

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