Sunday, January 30, 2011

My 30 For 30 wish list: a few quick ideas

Without elaborating much, I think the following could make great stories for this series:

1. Tiger Woods - I guess this story is far from over, but what a story it's been.  To dominate his sport unlike anything we've really seen and then to fall so fast... I think it'd be interesting.

2. The BCS - I guess ESPN could never really do this one though, right?

3. Duke basketball/Coach K - I'm biased here, but you could change it to something else.  Penn State?  Florida State?  Any successful program and its longtime coach would be good to me.

4. OJ Simpson - Like his car chase and his court case... I'd probably watch it.  (I guess the car chase was covered in that one episode though.  I haven't watched it yet, so I don;t know how much it goes into the OJ stuff.)

5. New Orleans Saints and Hurricane Katrina - We wrote tons about this here on our site during last year's Super Bowl run.  There's a definite story here.

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