Monday, January 27, 2014

Blogathon: Final Scoring and Recap

So, the final scores are in for our 2014 Pick 'Em Challenge.

Wedge - 69
Speedgeek - 65
Mike - 58

So my racing picks did me in, as I expected. Three of my selections were out of contention really early. Like, I don't even know if the drivers had keys to their cars. The fact that Wedge was able to pick the winner is amazing to me. Those cars were dropping left and right. Once my Ganassi pick turned into a Flintstones vehicle, I was out of this competition. For final thoughts on the race, definitely check out what Wedge and Speedgeek had to say.

The biggest surprise of this challenge to me was the low score of the Pro Bowl. Who knew that making it a draft would cause the players to be more competitive? After the 13-touchdown Tecmo Bowl-ish display from last year, the teams combined for only six scores?!

Hey, at least I broke 50.

1 comment:

The Speedgeek said...

I have to say that I'm mortified to have gotten so close to winning, only to come undone during the Pro Bowl because both teams decided to play a little defense for once. I'll have my revenge next year.